Tagged: void


What Comes After

Part of The Song

2723 words (14 minutes)

From the once-brilliant First Temple of Lyenne, the light of Wisdom fades out.


What Comes After (Mold Free Version)

Part of The Song

2717 words (14 minutes)

From the once-brilliant First Temple of Lyenne, the light of Wisdom fades out.



146 words (1 minute)

Flee? I think not. No place is safer for me than in my own home, so whatever you think I should be afraid of, my dolls and I can handle it, I assure you.

The dolls? What do you mean there’s something wrong with them? If the honey we picked up for their tea is tainted, I’ll—


Void Swallows

439 words (2 minutes)

Little moth, little moth… seeking the light of knowledge so eagerly, so indiscriminately, so relentlessly, so obliviously, you have lost yourself.

You found me, now.

And I am something quite far from that small, flickering light.


Demonic Diplomacy

468 words (2 minutes)

She was dying.

After decades of uncertainty about that fact and more decades of research on how she might avert it, she came to the conclusion that her death was both unavoidable and imminent. Likely no more than a century away.

So she did what witches often do. She plotted.


Let's Drink To Becoming

237 words (1 minute)

Drink from the pool in the deep woods. Find your vision blurring, brightening, twisting and colorful. Your steps grow unsteady as you quest for a warm spot in the sun in which to lie.

Do not wake. Put roots down. Stretch your limbs and bloom into a beautiful home for fairies.


I Choose The Fall

250 words (1 minute)

I reach inside for my power, that perfect light within which gives unassailable force to my every action, and for the first time ever, my grasp closes around nothing at all. Emptiness answers my summons. I peer within and see only a yawning abyss where once was a shining column.