6513 words (33 minutes)
The goddess’s chosen hero asks her lonely sister to bless her marriage, but there is something about this fiancée of hers that is not quite right.
Part of The New Goddess
3872 words (19 minutes)
My thoughts heave and surge like the tide, flooding, claiming, reshaping the world around me. However, so little of this is my design. The world is clay in my hands, but my hands are not alone, and my hands are not even entirely my own. I recognize Velle’s fingerprints here and there, nudging reality in delicate and subtle ways that contrast with my own wild flailing. Something within me lashes out even at those I love, possibly because I love them. My mind has become a kitchen with too many cooks, all of whom hate me.
Part of The New Goddess
3316 words (17 minutes)
Not what I would call ideal timing for You to indulge Your hunger, Goddess, I have to say. Did You really have so much faith in the three of us, or have You been lying even to me about how in control of Your urges You are?
Stalking Nina and Velle as they descend through the palace, it’s immediately clear that Velle has regained some of her former self. How much, I wonder? I want to believe that her brusque attitude with the princess is a matter of urgency, and that her heart has not entirely discarded the woman she loved just this morning.
Part of The New Goddess
3143 words (16 minutes)
The king’s palace leaves much to be desired. The moment I step foot inside, the first thing I notice is how poorly lit it is compared to mine. Dim and drab and dull, this is what passes for opulence, I guess, anywhere that lacks the benefit of Goddess’s touch. And that’s why we’re here, isn’t it? We will fix this world.
Part of The New Goddess
4497 words (22 minutes)
For the first time in longer than I can remember, I wake up pain-free.
I also seem to be completely naked in an unfamiliar bed with someone else’s arms around me. I feel and smell filthy. With a groan of disgust, I try to regain my bearings. Memories of what happened yesterday slowly drift back to me as though from a great distance away.
Part of The New Goddess
2716 words (14 minutes)
The princess makes a fine show of roleplaying as a maid, perusing her own wine collection and presenting several bottles for me to choose from. I play my own part, acting as though I have strongly held opinions on which vintage is most ideal for the occasion. She fetches us glasses and pours for the both of us. We lounge on the couch together directly opposite Canina’s favorite mirror, clinking glasses and toasting to each other.
Part of The New Goddess
2952 words (15 minutes)
In truth, I feel nothing toward Princess Canina, despite the effort I put into obtaining a position of service within the palace and the long years I labored to earn this position as her personal attendant.
I have a Plan, and that Plan requires me to earn the confidence of the princess.
Part of The New Goddess
2607 words (13 minutes)
Collared. Chained. Dressed in finery, given the finest meals, housed in opulence. Even these chains are gold. That girl keeps me like a pet. No, not even like a dog, which can be trained for some valued purpose, but something lower: a pitiful, pampered, useless bauble of a prisoner.
Part of The New Goddess
3462 words (17 minutes)
It’s spring, and I’m seated near father as he introduces to his court a new magician. It is considered auspicious to time announcements of major changes with the Feast of Augury, and so it is the first time most of the assembled guests hear the news that old Magister Lange has passed.
Part of The New Goddess
3052 words (15 minutes)
I know when my Goddess returns by the way the whole palace comes alive in Her presence. The floor, the walls, even the very air carries a subtle vibration of Her power when She, the beating heart of our home, steps foot inside. My legs buoyed with renewed energy, the anticipation of laying eyes upon Her again carries me onward with quickened steps.
Part of The New Goddess
3418 words (17 minutes)
I fling my closet door open, stepping inside to discover that it has grown again today, filled with yet more beautiful clothes for me to enjoy. How exciting! I say a little prayer of thanks to Goddess and trail my hand as I walk past some of my favorites, savoring the soft touch of cloth on my fingertips.
So many new colors and cuts and styles have appeared here since yesterday. It’s hard to choose! Oh, but today’s my date with Goddess, isn’t it? She’s back home again after so many days away hunting for the other gods.
Part of The New Goddess
1903 words (10 minutes)
Clouds break in slow motion upon the walls of the crystal palace. The grand structure floats high in the sky, far above a kingdom bathed in the rays of the morning sun.
The view is stunning from up here. It’s like eating breakfast on the sky’s shoreline. Almost hard to imagine that not so long ago I was one of those tiny specks struggling for survival down below, in the streets of a city that looks very different from this vantage.
I can’t say I miss that life.
Part of The New Goddess
1429 words (7 minutes)
They say there are powers—unfathomable and unnamed—buried deep within the earth. Boons and banes and spirits and seductions call to the ambitious, but I’ve never known of someone actually finding one until now.
What does one say to a dark sorceress on the cusp of her victory?
504 words (3 minutes)
It’s just folklore.
You try to learn it anyway, even if it doesn’t make much sense. After all, you’re traveling to visit the land of your ancestors, trying to connect with some kind of heritage, and what’s the use if you don’t put the effort into it?
463 words (2 minutes)
The temple of Lunera is overtaxed. Its resources—and priestesses—have been stretched to their limits caring for the crowd of villagers who lost homes, livelihoods, friends, and family.
Making things worse, our goddess has gone silent, our prayers left unanswered.
140 words (1 minute)
Limiting the use of her senses to sight alone makes this hunt somewhat more difficult than most, but never let it be said that the Goddess of the Hunt balks from a challenge.
Her prey this time is silent. Practically motionless. Blends in with the surrounding scents.
291 words (1 minute)
Even from a distance, you know that she must be a goddess. Where she walks, shadows contrive to fall anywhere else than upon her figure. The flowers woven in a crown upon her head, tattooed on her skin, and stitched into her dress remain as lively as though freshly picked.
273 words (1 minute)
With a thumb, you push the hissing tooth into soft, tilled earth. Sadly, you hold little hope in your heart for it to sprout.
In a bygone age, the soil had wealth great enough to support the growth of anything at all, and gods grew like weeds here.
Now? It’s thin. Weak.
456 words (2 minutes)
The day God died, rain poured down in heavy, wind-driven sheets, and nobody paid any mind to the child running through the streets of the city.
Her skin was scoured clean by the weather, but the bloody stains on her nightgown remained, more stubborn than the storm.
381 words (2 minutes)
An oracle writhes on the platform prepared for her, gripped by vision and sensation from beyond the Door. Words dribble helplessly from parted lips that move without conscious thought, punctuated by pained moans or gasps hissed through clenched teeth.
Part of The Song
2723 words (14 minutes)
From the once-brilliant First Temple of Lyenne, the light of Wisdom fades out.
Part of The Song
2717 words (14 minutes)
From the once-brilliant First Temple of Lyenne, the light of Wisdom fades out.
1255 words (6 minutes)
The goddess watches while her chosen hero arrives at the culmination of his journey. He’s so close now. All he needs to do is raise the amulet and speak the invocation, and the goddess’s great enemy will at last be vanquished.
And yet, he collapses instead. He fails.
557 words (3 minutes)
There is a hierarchy to all things. Those at the top make the rules, determining the degree of humanity allotted to the rest, down to the very peasants and lower.
Even the dead deserve some measure of dignity.
Not so those of us born to the dark, crawling from the depths.
1069 words (5 minutes)
What a lovely afternoon to relax with an old friend and reminisce over tea.
We laugh over stories of our adventures together, and for a moment, it’s like we were never apart.
She reaches across the table and takes my hand, and I smile like I haven’t in years.
999 words (5 minutes)
“That was a waste,” they admonished. “How much of your Light did it take to rescue those people?”
“It wasn’t a lot…” the angel demurred.
“Nevertheless.” The archangel scowled. “You knew they were nonbelievers. You knew you would not be getting that Light back.”
805 words (4 minutes)
I attack myself more with the exfoliating scrub, putting my whole arm into the effort until fatigue precludes continuing.
It hardly seems to make a difference in the hard, scaly patches developing across my arms and legs.
Slathering the moisturizer on, I finish my routine.
380 words (2 minutes)
It’s her again. Not just another worshipper, by now all the temple priestesses know her face.
Her schedule is her own, her arrivals dictated by impulses only she knows. She offers social pleasantries to those of us she sees but wastes no time traversing the temple grounds.
414 words (2 minutes)
Many of us are aware of the ways that an angel’s halo is also their collar.
Whenever the angel so much as thinks of going astray…
Their owner tugs on a leash of light, and they are corrected.
That is not all that a halo is good for, however.
519 words (3 minutes)
A witch may use many different techniques for the construction of her dolls.
Most witches these days create dolls from raw material imbued with purpose, but some still keep the old ways alive by making their dolls from people.
Either way, one has many options.
Part of The Song
748 words (4 minutes)
Something has changed in this temple, and I am afraid.
My sister-priestesses, even some who have proven themselves devout and fastidious caretakers, have been noticeably neglecting their duties.
And the mold creeping in seems to return as quickly as we clean it off.
Part of The Song
964 words (5 minutes)
People still speak fondly of the pantheon that was.
It’s not yet been so long that it has passed out of memory, though each year more children are born without the warm assistance of Oriah and raised without the guiding light of Ralles.
To them the stories are just stories.
861 words (4 minutes)
The Dark Lady of Nightmares glided silently through the night’s cool air, her body magically transformed into her giant bat form perfectly suited for stealth. As she approached the City of Light, she swept her eyes over it, scanning for the tower where the princess slept.
140 words (1 minute)
Sometimes even a dark goddess grows weary of worship, no matter how well Her treasured follower has led Her cult, no matter how many souls have been twisted by the silver serpent-tongue of that most devoted priestess of Hers. At such times, She visits Her servant.
410 words (2 minutes)
“At last, we have the High Priestess of that loathsome church in our grasp,” the hooded figure declares in triumph as others lead the young leader of a faith in decline to the prepared altar.
364 words (2 minutes)
You never questioned why your exploration of this hidden temple’s ruins went so smoothly and easily, did you? How you seemed to instinctually notice the hidden passages and trap triggers? You and your fellows rode a wave of excitement all the way to the most hidden chamber here.
Part of The Song
441 words (2 minutes)
My prayers do not reach the goddess. Of course not. Whose prayers ever do? None of the priestesses here at her temple really matter to her as anything more than pretty dolls on display, performing our devotion during her centuries of absent neglect.