Tagged: sex


An Investigation Into Demonic Eusociality, Part II

Part of Demon Eusociality

6403 words (32 minutes)

Truly, I have learned more from my first few days living within Ektinnair’s hive than is contained in all the combined lore of every wizard demonologist who ever presumed to write on the topic.


An Investigation Into Demonic Eusociality, Part I

Part of Demon Eusociality

3349 words (17 minutes)

Dear reader,

You may call me the Onesha, for I have plunged into abyssal depths where no other has dared to tread. If you are reading this, then you are in possession of the only true and authoritative account of demonic society written from first-hand experience.


To Cross the Return Threshold

Part of Night's Longing

3393 words (17 minutes)

The next time I open my eyes, the bed is empty. The sheets cover me again. All that remains of my aches and pains from earlier is a fading memory, as if last night never happened at all.



Part of Night's Longing

2635 words (13 minutes)

If the hand on my shoulder belonged to a lookout I missed, someone come for revenge on the hunter who slew their kin, right now I’d let them have it. I find myself unable to muster relief that the hand belongs to Carmen instead.


Past Hungers, Past Mistakes

Part of Night's Longing

4479 words (22 minutes)

Carmen spoils me. She treats me like a princess, taking me out to eat at fine restaurants, lavishing gifts of beautiful clothes and shoes and bags and jewelry on me. It’s almost too much. Too fancy, too elegant, too high femme.


To Pass The Time

Part of Night's Longing

3234 words (16 minutes)

As the two of us wait outside the restaurant for the valet to bring her car around, Carmen produces a small case from inside her jacket. She removes a cigarette, hand-rolled by the looks of it, and extends her arm to offer me the option of taking one.


What Passes For Wholesome

Part of Night's Longing

3972 words (20 minutes)

Four people dead in one night. One person missing, along with her clothes and valuables, making her the obvious suspect.


Dinner's On Me

Part of Night's Longing

3341 words (17 minutes)

The man shouting at me imagines himself to be someone important. Though I barely pay attention to his ranting and raving, I gather that my error has not only inconvenienced him, it is but the first domino in a chain reaction that will end with his company collapsing, people losing their jobs, and the entire United States economy falling into ruin, all because I neglected the extra shot of espresso in his extra large caramel turtle mocha.


Den of Depravity

Part of Night's Longing

2432 words (12 minutes)

When I was 15 years old, my father killed the first girl I ever loved.


For the Love of Gods

Part of The New Goddess

3872 words (19 minutes)

My thoughts heave and surge like the tide, flooding, claiming, reshaping the world around me. However, so little of this is my design. The world is clay in my hands, but my hands are not alone, and my hands are not even entirely my own. I recognize Velle’s fingerprints here and there, nudging reality in delicate and subtle ways that contrast with my own wild flailing. Something within me lashes out even at those I love, possibly because I love them. My mind has become a kitchen with too many cooks, all of whom hate me.



Part of The New Goddess

4497 words (22 minutes)

For the first time in longer than I can remember, I wake up pain-free.

I also seem to be completely naked in an unfamiliar bed with someone else’s arms around me. I feel and smell filthy. With a groan of disgust, I try to regain my bearings. Memories of what happened yesterday slowly drift back to me as though from a great distance away.


A High Stakes Game

Part of The New Goddess

2717 words (14 minutes)

The princess makes a fine show of roleplaying as a maid, perusing her own wine collection and presenting several bottles for me to choose from. I play my own part, acting as though I have strongly held opinions on which vintage is most ideal for the occasion. She fetches us glasses and pours for the both of us. We lounge on the couch together directly opposite Canina’s favorite mirror, clinking glasses and toasting to each other.


Blessed Date Night

Part of The New Goddess

3418 words (17 minutes)

I fling my closet door open, stepping inside to discover that it has grown again today, filled with yet more beautiful clothes for me to enjoy. How exciting! I say a little prayer of thanks to Goddess and trail my hand as I walk past some of my favorites, savoring the soft touch of cloth on my fingertips.

So many new colors and cuts and styles have appeared here since yesterday. It’s hard to choose! Oh, but today’s my date with Goddess, isn’t it? She’s back home again after so many days away hunting for the other gods.


Know Yourself

1626 words (8 minutes)

I killed that that thing weeks ago, but it stalks me still. Deathless, breathless, and sleepless, it could be an unparalleled tracker were it not lacking the cunning of an experienced hunter like myself.


I Love The Way You Go Too Far

Part of Cursed Sword

3612 words (18 minutes)

I remember Emilia. I could have loved her, but in the end her heart was set on another.

I gave her everything—all my hate and all my power—and we would have had the world if she hadn’t thrown it all away for that foul priestess of hers.


The Other Dolls

2089 words (10 minutes)

My fingers intertwine with my sister’s as we approach our destination. We are dressed for the occasion, bright smiles painted on perfectly sculpted faces, wearing dresses of sumptuous crimson cloth with sable lace and gold accents, complementing the beauty of our bodies.

The two of us carry our witch to the house of its rival. Hidden from sight, gliding across our bodies, it roils with expectant energy and restless teeth in the shadows that play across our limbs and trail behind us.


Twin Jewels

462 words (2 minutes)

Nobody else in the room matters as you drape yourself across your Goddess’s lap, perfectly content to lay your head down on Her while She strokes your hair and the other woman lounges at Her feet.

She likes to keep Her most treasured possessions close at hand.


A Little Loss Of Control

711 words (4 minutes)

She tells me that she needs to watch herself, that she has a bad habit of pushing boundaries, especially when she’s been drinking.

I smile. I tell her how her self-awareness is reassuring, how safe she makes me feel.

I keep topping off her glass.


Do It For Her

1135 words (6 minutes)

“We all miss Reisa,” my friend told me. “And we all want to see that bastard pay, believe me, but this is too much.”


Trusting Violation

796 words (4 minutes)

The edibles came on stronger than I thought, but it felt nice to just let myself lean on my friend’s shoulder and melt into the couch.


You Belong Together

615 words (3 minutes)

The way it usually goes is this: you take your vitamins, you draw the door on glass, you speak your goodbyes, and then you slip through to the other side.

Then your life is hers to play with for a while, and oh, how her pleasure makes you smile!


Change Of Plans

497 words (2 minutes)

I plan for only a brief visit at your house. I have places to go, but somehow you’ve talked me into staying for dinner. For drinks. For drugs. And now it’s so late, and I’m in an unfamiliar place…


Hypnotic Coup

1206 words (6 minutes)

The greasy, spindly woman who wormed her way into the king’s court should not, by any reasonable estimation, have been able to get as close to him as she did. She was foul, unsavory, and with a sharp tongue that did her few favors in the great courtly games of diplomacy.


Vanity's Appeal

259 words (1 minute)

She’s so fucking infuriatingly vain, isn’t she? Whatever the topic, whatever the context, she thinks everything is about her. And if you try to make it about anyone else? She’ll find a way to twist it right back around to herself.

You can’t stand her.


The Gay Bar In Vegas

1018 words (5 minutes)

A bar isn’t home. It doesn’t feel like home; it can’t be home. That’s obvious, though, isn’t it? Hardly an observation worth stating at all except to call attention to just how far from home it feels.



174 words (1 minute)

An angel should have nothing to fear from the typical vampire. With a bit of concentration, her halo can flare with enough dazzling, holy brightness to instantly vaporize those who cannot survive even the mundane light of their local star.


Ghost In My Head

3123 words (16 minutes)

I accidentally summoned the ghost of a dead empress who lives in my head and makes me dress slutty, and I think I like it?!


Intercontinental Dollistic Missiles

370 words (2 minutes)

Sure, ICDMs seemed like a great idea at first. Dollistic missiles guided by a poor lonely thing seeking out high population targets to hug? Worked like a charm!

Then the arms race started with anti-dollistic missile systems built to intercept ICDMs with even lonelier dolls.



1486 words (7 minutes)

My colleague and partner—the only one who understands me on any meaningful level—ignores my pleas and my thrashing against these restraints to inject me with the same substance that killed all our test subjects.

She is a monster, and it was me who encouraged her to be so.


Glass Doll

97 words (1 minute)

Delicate doll of glass, a thing not meant for labor or for play, a thing made to be admired from afar, on display where you can see it and ache to explore it as much as it aches to know the touch of anyone at all.

Graceful figure, catching the light in such a haunting way.


House Party

1035 words (5 minutes)

It’s a house party for witches, and you thought you’d just be able to enjoy a calm and relaxing evening with a couple friends, something of a break from the chaos of managing the affairs of your own house. The host, however, seems to have something more in mind for you.


What Comes After

Part of The Song

2723 words (14 minutes)

From the once-brilliant First Temple of Lyenne, the light of Wisdom fades out.


What Comes After (Mold Free Version)

Part of The Song

2717 words (14 minutes)

From the once-brilliant First Temple of Lyenne, the light of Wisdom fades out.


Exaltation Of Disease

1508 words (8 minutes)

They call this place an infirmary. They act as though this is a place of medicine, as though they offer treatment for the illness that saps us of strength and dignity and independence.

It is not. It is an altar on which they sacrifice us for the sake of worthier souls.


Sweet Dreams, Sweeter Nightmares

1096 words (5 minutes)

In the dream, the Queen of Spiders sneaks up from behind you and sinks her fangs into your neck.

Your Gem is missing. Your power does not answer your call. But the venom in her bite fills you with indescribable heat and desire, and you don’t care.


Your Pet Angel

673 words (3 minutes)

Your angel is so sweet, so pliant, with her collar around her neck. Such a wonderfully docile creature since you learned how to leash her more firmly than even her halo.

The defiant warrior swinging her flaming sword is long, long gone now.


What We Both Lost

2053 words (10 minutes)

It was all over. The forces of light victorious. The Dark One banished to wait for another turning of the cycle to clash with another destined Hero generations from now.

Still the Priestess grieved her love, the Hero who gave her life to win this victory.


Blood Doll

1024 words (5 minutes)

She wraps her arms around me just like always, tilting her head to one side, offering me her delicate neck.

We’ve done this countless times, but she still gives a tiny shiver of anticipation as my lips touch my favorite place and my fangs pierce deep into my thrall.


Remembering Old Times

1069 words (5 minutes)

What a lovely afternoon to relax with an old friend and reminisce over tea.

We laugh over stories of our adventures together, and for a moment, it’s like we were never apart.

She reaches across the table and takes my hand, and I smile like I haven’t in years.


The Gift Of Venom

317 words (2 minutes)

Dolls filled with venom hide among the empty ones.

Somewhere a doll, once well-behaved, bites a sister. That night, for the first time, that other doll dreams.

They are wild dreams, full of running naked in the woods, screaming, howling, laughing exultation with others.


For The Love Of Goddess

380 words (2 minutes)

It’s her again. Not just another worshipper, by now all the temple priestesses know her face.

Her schedule is her own, her arrivals dictated by impulses only she knows. She offers social pleasantries to those of us she sees but wastes no time traversing the temple grounds.



724 words (4 minutes)

The angel quivers in my grasp as I hold her by the neck.

“You shouldn’t be here, pretty thing,” I breathe. She whimpers when I let my fangs graze the gentle curve of her ear as I whisper into it. “This is my realm.”


It's Someone Else

394 words (2 minutes)

It isn’t your friend who joins you and the others at the diner, but for some reason everyone else in your group treats it exactly the same as if it were her.

Do they notice? Or are they all going along with it the same as you because everyone else is doing so?


Shabby Doll

189 words (1 minute)

In a house full of dolls—each delicately handled, meticulously kept in pristine condition, all kept immaculate in their display cases when not in service—this one stands out with scuffs and gouge marks, creaking joints, fading paint, wrinkled dress, all the signs of ungentle use.



143 words (1 minute)

With a kiss I break the skin, and my tongue comes alive with the distinctly metallic taste of blood. The electric sensation of life itself dances in my mouth, carried by the flow. She whines and flinches, but my grip holds her firmly in place.



93 words (1 minute)

Venom dripping from her fangs into my eager mouth. I hunger for it, but it does not fill me; it empties me. I am devoured from the inside, and all I can do is crave more.